Friday, August 21, 2015

Crisologo Museum: Century-old Family Mansion

From Calle Crisologo going to Crisologo Museum.  The museum consists of the preserved ancestral home of statesman Floro S. Crisologo. It is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Saturday. It is also known as Vigan House, Crisologo House and Memorabilia, and the Vigan National Museum Branch. There is no entrance fee.

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Our second stop is at Crisologo Museum..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
No entrance fee, pero Donation is highly appreciated...

Floro S. Crisologo known for the establishment of the Social Security System, which serves the whole working populace to this day..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Clothes of Floro S. Crisologo..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Pictures of Crisologo are displayed..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Meeting adjourned...

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Tita Remy, in charged in briefing the tourist about the history of Crisologo Museum..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
This is the old car where Floro Crisologo’s wife survived an attempt on her life while she was pregnant and serving as governor of the province..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Book collection and numerous news clippings..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
Different kinds of hats are hanged on the wall as you go up..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo
At the second floor you can view the antiques, memorabilia and other prized possessions of the Crisologos..

Crisologo Museum, vigan
Master’s Bedroom..

Crisologo Museum, vigan, Floro S. Crisologo

Right: Weaving loom Left: Bathroom

Right: Calesa Left: Stove??

Crisologo Museum, vigan
Up: Old television Down: DVD??

Crisologo Museum, vigan
Up: Player for songs Down: Version of Iron

Crisologo Museum, vigan
Up: banga banga Down: dulang

Crisologo Museum, vigan
Both are refrigerators..

After viewing the Crisologo's memorabilia and private collection of religious figures as well as some permanent exhibits that have to do with Northern Luzon’s history, ethnography, archaeology, and natural history. We continued our tour and visited next the Syquia Mansion.

Lots of Love,

About the Author


Author & Editor

Karen a loving wife, food lover, animal lover (especially dogs), adventure seeker, a corporate employee and God-fearing.


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